Looking for Dirty Funker

November 15, 2005

So sometime in the past month or so I heard a track on the radio that blew my mind. I can remember now is that it was Dirty Funker vs. Led Zeppelin and it was the most amazing thing I have heard for a very, long, time.

So I go about trying to get me a hold of this track. No luck. Help!

I did find a Remixland 2005 Vol6. CD that had a Dirty Funker vs. Nirvana track of Smells Like Teen Spirit which is good, but only confirms my urgent desire to find the rest of this artist’s repetoire. I’d prefer to do it legally, download the files and pay for them but I just can’t find this stuff anywhere!


So I can find a couple of tracks released on VINYL in the UK which really isn’t much help. Goo to Juno for those ; http://www.juno.co.uk/artists/Dirty+Funker/

I’m sure that Dj Big Daddy G (dude is that what you’re called now? Sheesh 🙂 could line me up with something but I lost my connection with the Blanche/Dubois/etc crowd quite a while ago.

Can someone throw me a frickin’ bone here?